My Sydney Story:
Well there really is nothing like our amazing Sydney Opera House – such a beautiful and audacious statement signifying the vital importance of the arts in our lives – it always takes my breath away.
Singing with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra on the Sydney Opera House stage on the day that our 'La stupenda' – Dame Joan Sutherland passed away was a truly extraordinary experience. To be on making music (Nick Cave's 'Ship Song' for the Ship Song Project) with colleagues on the stage upon which Joan sang her final notes was an other-worldly experience, it was like I could feel the spirits of all the truly wonderful artists who have tread the boards over the years.
— Katie Noonan
You can see Katie Noonan performing Jeff Buckley’s Grace at Sydney Festival this month.
Katie Noonan: Sydney is a place of chosen family and dear friends and music collaborators
Sydney Festival artists tell their stories of Sydney.
19 Jan, 2025 Sydney Festival

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